Welcome to ICTM

This is the official class website for Ms. McKay's Digital Design classes for semester 1 of the 2012-13 school year. T​his course is intended to introduce students to the world of desktop publishing both for printed media and web-based applications and presentations. The focus this year will be on digital photography, web site development in Dreamweaver and Photoshop, and graphic illustration.

At this site, you will find everything you need to succeed in the course, including the course outline, classroom expectations, lesson notes, an ongoing list of all assignments for the class, and other helpful documents.

Any Concerns or Issues

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please come see me directly in room B111 or contact me by e-mail at mckay_v@sd36.bc.ca


Opening Week

06/09/2011 09:14
The start of any course can be an exciting but tense time. I thank you for your patience in...


Website launched

06/09/2011 09:13
Our new course website has been launched today. Be sure to check us out often to keep informed...
